emil pirchan
A Universal Artist of the 20th Century
Edited by Beat Steffan; With essays by René Grohnert, Kurt Ifkovits, Barbara Lesák, Jitka Ludvová, Christiane Mühlegger-Henhapel, Sonja Pisarik, Julia Preisker, Daniel Resch, Katja Sebald, Beat Steffan, Alexandra Steiner-Strauss; Nimbus. Kunst und Bücher, Wädenswil
The proverbial tale of finding something in the attic: countless old boxeswhich turned out to contain the legacy of a man who was a universal artist —not as a cheerful dilettante but as a recognized, indeed renowned representativeof his areas of expertise. This sensational discovery induced the artist’s grandson to undertake an expedition into the oeuvre of his brilliant grandfather Emil Pirchan. The result is a volume which makes it possible to freshly experience all the arts of the first half of the 20th century: in more than 300 mostly unknown illustrations and in essays by accredited experts in the disciplines in which Pirchan was active.
ISBN 978-3-03850-043-8
(available at www.nimbusbooks.ch)