With respect to the amount, quality and diversity of the creative works of Emil Pirchan, the question arises as to when and whether he slept at all.

His oeuvre comprises architectural designs and stage sets, artistic toys, designs for jewelry and everyday objects, textiles, embroidery, glass painting, invitation cards, calendar pages, printed advertising material, poster designs, book illustrations, landscape sketches, fantasy-filled collages, sheets done with his own technique for making marbled paper, and much more.

Emil Pirchan constantly reinvented himself in his creative output; he had an unerring sense for current artistic developments and, in diverse disciplines, embarked upon paths that no one had travelled before him. He was ceaselessly creative as a universal artist.

Watercolour, Munich, c. 1910 (Steffan/Pabst Collection)

’Japanese lady with umbrella‘ (collage), Munich, c. 1912 (Steffan/Pabst Collection)

Watercolour, Munich, c. 1915 (Steffan/Pabst Collection)

‘Female Dancers’, Berlin, c. 1922 (Steffan/Pabst collection)

Watercolour, (possibly Lake Garda), c. 1929 (Steffan/Pabst Collection)

‘Idea for a Façade’, drawing in sketchbook, Vienna, c. 1903 (Steffan/Pabst Collection)

Poster design (collage), Munich, c. 1912 (Steffan/Pabst Collection)

View of Tutzing (collage), Munich, 1912 (Steffan/Pabst Collection)

Poster design, Munich, c. 1915 (Steffan/Pabst Collection)

’Dancer‘, Berlin, c. 1922 (Steffan/Pabst Collection)

Sketch of an Italian voyage, 1931 (Steffan/Pabst Collection)

Image produced using his own marbling process, Brno, c. 1907 (Steffan/Pabst Collection)

Design for Simson & Co Suhl Automobile, Munich, c. 1912 (Steffan/Pabst Collection)

Nude drawings, Munich, 1913 (Steffan/Pabst Collection)

‘Red Cross’, Munich, 1916 (Steffan/Pabst Collection)

Design for his ballet ’Ahasvera‘ (probably), Berlin, c. 1926 (Steffan/Pabst Collection)

Charcoal drawing, Vienna, 1941 (Steffan/Pabst Collection)

Image produced using his own marbling process, Brno, c. 1907 (Steffan/Pabst Collection)

Poster design, drawing in sketchbook, Munich, c. 1912 (Steffan/Pabst Collection)

Page from a children‘s drawing book, Otto Maier Verlag, Ravensburg, c. 1914 (Steffan/Pabst Collection)

Design for the title page of the magazine ’Lichtbildbühne‘, Munich, 1921 (Steffan/Pabst Collection)

Photograph from Genoa, c. 1927 (Steffan/Pabst Collection)